


EMMA Belly System

EMMA Belly Systems in operation for fuselage and wings.

Stand Up EMMA with DCC

Stand Up EMMA with Differential Contact ControlTM used for fuselage crown, horizontal stabilizers and wing tops.

Stand Up EMMA Family

Stand Up EMMA Family with a variety of applications for a different sanding applications.

Stand Up EMMA Tabletop Jitterbug Tool

Stand Up EMMA in Tabletop Configuration equipped with Jitter sanding tool.


EMMA includes always on safety oversight on all configurations which monitors and reacts to its surroundings in real-time.

EMMAs can perform many sanding operations from light scuffing to heavy de-painting as well as other operations like grinding and trimming tailored to customers requirements.

Yes, EMMAs can detect objects and avoid them in real-time for a precise and consistent finish across any surface.

Yes, EMMAs are certified and already working in Class I Division 1, ATEX (Europe) Class 1 Zone 0, and IECEx Class 1 Zone 0 environment.